Caritas Maralal

transforming society.

CARITAS Maralal is the social development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Maralal. The organization works with various donors, government agencies and people of good will to address the development needs of marginalized communities within Samburu County. CARITAS Maralal focuses on the following seven priority issues affecting its target groups:
Our Programs
It’s our mission to promote a transformative society, where people enjoy their rights and co-exist harmoniously.
CARITAS Maralal is committed to promote sufficient access to safe and clean water for drinking and domestic use in Samburu county. Key objectives include; improving access to water, increasing awareness on Hygiene and Sanitation and its practices and improving management and sustainability of the existing water points.
Health and Nutrition
CARITAS Maralal promote and improves access to quality and affordable Health care services at the Catholic Diocese of Maralal; and strengthen community based Health care facilities through increased participation of community and government in management and support.
Livelihood and Sustainability
We seek to achieve improved livelihoods of the targeted communities through diversified strategies, increased income levels, higher crops and livestock production levels. This shall be realized through improved household crop production and adoption of modern agriculture technology.
We remain committed to promoting an educated and enlightened community. CARITAS core objectives include improving quality and accessible education to all school going children, reduce level of illiteracy and seek to eliminate harmful cultural practices affecting education and its enrolment in schools.
Disaster risk management
During disaster situations , we support the affected communities to recover and cope with effects of disasters. Key activities include: Restocking, provision of drought resistant seeds, provision of drugs, food distribution , deworming, psychosocial support for staff and communities affected by disaster, rehabilitation of water sources, introduction of green energy & modern farming.
Peace and justice
we reach out to cushion the People with Disabilities from the adverse effects of Covid-19 pandemic, we offer them food and non-food items, and we provide wheelchairs to those without. This has been made possible by our partners.
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